What is Social Marketing?
A simple answer is “Solving a social problem with a product, service, or behavior change strategy that benefits individuals and communities for the greater social good.” Social marketing uses techniques and approaches developed in commercial marketing to sell products—to achieve socially beneficial ends. It can be used to motivate uptake of healthy behaviors, change social norms, or advise policymakers.
About the USF Social Marketing Conference
The University of South Florida Social Marketing Conference is the first social marketing conference dating back to 1991.
An in-depth training academy that provides an introduction to social marketing proceeds the main conference. The Main Conference offers a blend of plenary presentations by internationally recognized social marketing experts on topics of interest to learners at all levels. Concurrent sessions, both invited and selected from responses to the ‘Call for Abstracts,’ supplement the agenda with case studies of social marketing applications in a variety of settings and new developments in the field. These sessions are balanced between introductory and more advanced audiences. The specific topics and speakers are selected to elaborate on key elements of the social marketing approach and to illustrate opportunities to apply social marketing.
Following the success of the 25th Conference, we will offer keynotes followed by “hatch labs” to enable participants to discuss ideas with each other and invited experts. Poster sessions and concurrent breakout groups will be competitively selected from abstracts to supplement the agenda.
CLICK HERE for highlights from the 25th USF Social Marketing Conference!
Who Can Attend
This conference meets the educational needs of the public health workforce and anyone working in the field trying to make the world a better place. It is structured to offer continuing education credits for the Certified in Public Health credential (Details below).
Prerequisite knowledge of social marketing is not a requirement to attend. If you are new to the field, you are encouraged to attend Social Marketing 101 in addition to the USF SM Conference.
How to Stay Updated
Follow us on social media to receive frequent updates on The 2022 USF Social Marketing Conference and Training Academy!
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Accreditation Received
Stay tuned for more information on accreditation received for the 2022 Conference.
The College of Public Health at the University of South Florida is an approved provider of Certified in Public Health Continuing Education Credit (CPHCE) by the National Board of Public Health Examiners.
Earn 11 CPH CE for each 2-day training academy and/or 11 CPH CE for the 2-day main conference. Attend the full conference for an opportunity to earn a total of 22 CPH CE. Read more: https://activityfinder.nbphe.org/
Earn 11 Category II CECH credits for each 2-day training academy and/or 11 Category II CECH credits for the 2-day main conference. Attend both for an opportunity to earn a total of 22 Category II CECH credits.
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