
Sponsor the Conference – Get the Recognition

You are cordially invited to exhibit and/or sponsor the 26th Social Marketing Conference. This conference is sponsored by USF Health, University of South Florida.

All sponsors receive:

· Recognition of support on signage, agenda app, and scrolling announcements
· Ability to put promotional materials in conference bags
· A draped 6’ table, 2 chairs, one wastebasket,
· One complimentary conference registration to the main conference, starting with the reception on the evening of May 26 and the conference on May 27-28.

Opportunities include poster session & reception, speaker support, breakout session support, lunch, and break support.

This event will attract an estimated 250 professionals working in fields such as environmental health, transportation, wildlife preservation, financial literacy, education, not-for-profit management, labor relations, the arts, health, and many more. In recognition of social marketing’s expansive reach and increasing interest in persons in other disciplines, we shifted the scope of The Social Marketing Conference beyond public health to attract and welcome all professionals who work in or value the use of, social marketing to make the world a better place. Please read the full details.